Saturday 19 April 2014

Perfect Panini

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What better way to enjoy a relaxing holiday afternoon than with a delicious, fresh lunch? Here’s one of my all-time favourite sandwiches...but of course it’s much more than just a “sandwich” – it’s a Panini.
This beautiful delicacy (despite how fabulous it tastes) is really easy and quick to make:
 Just cut a few red tomatoes and fresh mozzarella into slices (around 3-4 slices of each per Panini).

Then cover with a gorgeous layer of salty Parma ham and drizzle with some extra virgin olive oil. Season to your liking and add beautiful flecks of green basil to enhance these fantastic Italian flavours.

You can either munch away as it is (which is my personal preference as I simply can’t wait any longer to dive in) or you can pop it in the oven for about 3 minutes or so – just enough to allow the mozzarella to melt and infuse its flavours with the Parma ham and tomatoes (this also helps if the tomatoes need using and have perhaps gone a little soft) then you’re ready to indulge in this fantastic treat....ah bellissimo.....

This delicious lunch, is not only great as a small self-indulgent treat but is also great to serve with friends. Either serve as it is or add small bowls of olives and plates of Italian salad (alternate slices of tomatoes and mozzarella (often laid out in a circle) with a sprinkling of basil).
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