Monday 25 August 2014

Day 7 – Flying to Knysna

We had a quick breakfast before leaving the hotel and saying good bye to the golden plains of northern South Africa.
It was a long drive back to Johannesburg Airport – about 5-6 hours! The flight to George was quick however and served as a much needed rest for all our early starts.
We arrived at around 4:00pm and were shocked by a new, lush green landscape. The new folds of green almost reminded me of England, however the massive mountain ranges and golden coastline diluted the memory somewhat.

The area is part of a popular journey known as “The Garden Route” due to its stunning natural beauty:

We arrived at Knysna Hollow and found our rustically thatched-roofed rooms. We then went for dinner which was fantastic – a wonderful springbok meat stew encased in phyllo pastry and vegetables – it was delicious. Overall, Knysna seemed like a beautiful place that I anticipated exploring the next day.

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