Saturday 29 March 2014


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Well it’s been a busy week this week what with the chaotic life of my new puppy. With undiscovered ‘toys’ at every corner there’s been plenty of excitement, especially whilst exploring the garden:


but I must admit I’m not so keen on his love of playing in the flower pots:

Although he did enjoy the exhausting housework it seems...

And of course there’s never enough time for rough and tumble with big bro:
Today was perhaps the most exciting of all – a new expedition: First walk. After the long wait for vet vaccinations to be fully effective, he finally set out on his newest adventure - walks on the fields! Just a few minutes from my house, fantastic open green fields spread almost endlessly across the English countryside - perfect for dog walking - yippee! We set out bright and early with a fantastic extendable lead to give plenty of manoeuvrability to the little guy who sat patiently at the busy roadside before reaching the metal gate and onto the fields - an endless opportunity of new smells and adventures to explore!
All I can say is thank God for the bright, sunny morning that kept my beautiful boy golden rather than a mad muddy mess!


He absolutely loved it with all new sights and smells on offer; I’m pleased to say he had a fantastic time:

Trekking through the rocks and undergrowth,

Meeting new friends,

Gently avoiding mud,

To even seeing horses! (On the other side of the field – thank goodness!) All in all a very well-behaved but now exhausted little pup! Can’t wait to see/share his next adventures...and mischief!


Wednesday 26 March 2014

What's cooking?

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Ok, so this is my first ever post as a blogger – how exciting/scary!

Well, I thought I’d start off with something simple but essential – food. And more importantly good food. Namely my dinner tonight – a lovely homemade minestrone made in true Italian style that any culinary perfectionist would be proud of...not that I can take credit for this one. No, for this masterpiece, the award must go to my mum. As the mouth-watering aroma wafted through our kitchen of stewing carrots, courgettes and celery combined with tiny stars of pasta (I know – how cute!) the dish was finally served in a delicious broth to make a tasty but healthy supper.
If you want the recipe it’s from Nigella Lawson "Kitchen", pages 152-153 . I thoroughly recommend although don’t feel you need to stick to the same veg – experiment and add colour to the dish – mine had carrots, courgettes, some  green beans, celery and leeks in. Tickle your taste buds further with a hefty sprinkling of parmesan cheese for that ultimate Italiano taste. I hope you enjoyed my short but sweet post, there's plenty more to come! – happy eating!
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