Saturday 28 June 2014

"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in us." - Shakespeare

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Film Review of 'The Fault in Our Stars'


Based on the novel by John Green, ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ follows the story of two teenagers whose lives are complicatedly entwined with not only love but also with the hardship of fighting cancer. Get your tissues ready – you’re gonna need them!
The Fault in Our Stars Title

A truly inspiring, heart warming film, perhaps quite literally the definition of an emotional rollercoaster. As one moment you’re crying with laughter, the next with sadness – I honestly felt exhausted by the end as the film envelops you in the lives of Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters.

 I hadn't read the book so didn’t know what to expect from the film apart from perhaps a normal rom-com with a tad more emotion in the mix. I certainly wasn’t expecting Hazel’s voice over to open the film immediately with “I have cancer” (at this point I have to admit I was slightly regretting my ticket purchase – I’m all for hearing about courageous/inspiring stories yet I thought the film would be fun and care free). Luckily, despite this seemingly heavy start, the film places the heavy subject matter into the arms of radiant Hazel and Gus who try to make the best of their dire situations. Surprisingly, they manage this very well and (shockingly) their romance blossoms which creates an almost paradoxical feeling as their optimism allows them to get past their illnesses for love.

Obviously, the film is more than just a love story – it also looks at the trials and tribulations of battling cancer and the effects it has not just on the patient but also on their family and friends around them. Director Josh Boone, managed some perfect slow motion shots of when both characters have ‘episodes’ that plant them back into hospital with the brutal message that we still have not beaten cancer and that it truly can overtake someone’s life, even when still ‘living’ it.

Both principals are truly mesmerizing in their dynamic performances and the chemistry between Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort cannot be overstated. Both portray a care free manner and yet also deliver tear jerking, heart wrenching performances as their lives are obliterated by cancer.
Overall: 4 Stars.
A truly awe-inspiring, emotional film with brilliant performances all round but particularly from Woodley and Elgort. I’d recommend it but would also say to stay away if cancer is (as I’m sure it is for many) a sensitive subject that may evoke too many personal memories.

PLEASE READ: My friend is doing a sponsored walk for Macmillan Cancer Support. She is walking 100 miles in order to raise money for this fantastic charity – please feel free to give her support by sponsoring her at Just

The Fault in Our Stars Movie Poster

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Thursday 12 June 2014

The Treat of '22 Jump Street'

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Film Review of '22 Jump Street'

In this sequel to the hilarious 21 Jump Street, we find comedy duo, Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill, thrust into a new chaotic undercover cop investigation...but this time, they’re in college!

22 Jump Street Title

After the seat-wetting, hilarious 21 Jump Street managed to overwhelm us with fits of giggles, 22 Jump Street delivers much of its anticipated-sequel expectations. From exploding warehouses and high speed car chases (all in the film’s first 5 minutes) to helicopter jumping, shootouts and fist fights, this hilariously exaggerated plot-line simply can’t fail to entertain any audience.

One thing that makes the film so funny is the chemistry between Tatum and Hill. They never cease to bounce off each other with “old-married-couple”, bro-mance remarks and nags. Also, the fake heart-throb of their relationship produces a sometimes bitter-sweet vibe but also makes their comedy timing spot on. Furthermore, they thoroughly enjoy mocking one another to then encouraging and uplifting the other which can make for some hilarious scenes as they accomplish small achievements or even Hill jumping from a skyscraper to a helicopter when in previous scenes was left dangling down the side of a lorry and had to be hoisted up the side of a two-story building – I did warn you it’s a tad flamboyant!
Another element to this bamboozling, hilarious film is Ice Cube who plays Captain Dickson, the disgruntled chief operating the new 22 Jump Street. His manner is brilliant, perfectly exaggerated and extreme to truly heighten the comedy in every scene, (one in particular where Hill brags about sleeping with his daughter without either of them realising it).
However, despite trying to have a slight twist of an ending, the films were indeed “exactly the same”. Although they used this to add another depth to their humour by blatant references to it, the film was limited and thus limited how much better the sequel could be compared to their first triumph. However, they had, as well as their audiences, acknowledged this problem so instead used it to their advantage in order to make a truly funny film that was overall high-quality entertainment – not too slow, not too crude, a good plot (not as predictable as you may think) and just brilliantly hilarious performances from its leads. Quite frankly, despite its limitedness, I would still go and see 23 Jump Street – I just can’t resist a good giggle!
Overall: 3.5 Stars.
A very funny film but lacks originality compared to 21 Jump Street. However, still hilarious and well worth a trip to the cinema.
22 Jump Street Movie Poster

Pictures: + Own editing on Paint

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Sunday 8 June 2014

A Taste of Paris à Londres

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Café Rouge Logo

Restaurant review of Café Rouge

Out for a lovely meal in London this week and found one of my favourite restaurants – Café Rouge.
Café Rouge Atmosphere
With stylish and light décor, entwined with homey cubbyholes, lamps and book shelves, the restaurant delivered the gorgeous atmosphere of Paris whilst amidst the hustle and bustle of London.
Café Rouge Decour
For my starter, I had "Bresse Bleu" (£6.95) a dish of "mild & creamy, melting blue cheese from Burgundy, served with baguette and crisp apple for dipping". I thought the dish was tasty but perhaps a little heavy to start with and quite salty – thank goodness for the crunch and sweetness of the apple to offset the rich flavour of the blue cheese. Additionally two types of baguette were served – the first, a small crunchy twist stick with soft warm centre and the second a thinly cut loaf with a fresh crumbly centre and chewy crusts – perfect for dipping (reminded me of a mini cheese fondue).
For my main I had "Loup de Mer" (£14.95) a dish consisting of a "fillet of seabass and sauce vierge with baby plum tomatoes, torn basil, rosemary & black olive potatoes and green beans".
Café Rouge Main Photo
Well, I must say, this dish was WONDERFUL! Packed full of beautiful complimentary flavours – the sweet juicy tomatoes and rosemary potatoes mixed with salty black olives was sublime. The seabass was plentiful and succulent with a soft, flaky texture as well as the contrast of its golden crunchy skin. Served with a generous bundle of perfect, al dente green beans – a fine accompaniment to this well balanced, light and delicious dish.
With the only shadow of the night being perhaps a little too much of an interval between starters and mains (all though this did give us time to work up some sort of appetite for mains as the starter was so rich and creamy (not that I’m complaining)), the entire evening was lovely – the food was exquisite, company entertaining and staff were very friendly – creating a happy and helpful atmosphere for us to enjoy. I thoroughly recommend that next time you’re out to head to Café Rouge for that sublime impression of Paris – ah magnifique!

Pictures: + Own editing on Paint; Own taken in restaurant (45 - 46 Cannon Hill, Southgate, London, N14 6LH ) 
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Thursday 5 June 2014

Magnificent 'Maleficent'

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Film review of ‘Maleficent’

– based on the well known fairy-tale of "Sleeping Beauty", Disney reveal the 'true' story of Maleficent and how she became the villain of the cherished family classic. This is a wonderful film with a few unexpected surprises yet perhaps most of all is Angelina Jolie's (Maleficent) stunning performance in this clever take on the traditional child-hood story.
Maleficient Title

Before the aftermath of the her betrayed, broken-heart, we find out the ‘truth’ that made the oh-so fearsome witch in the Disney classic so vicious. As Disney feed our eager eyes with forest-clad enchanted battles, smoky green magical curses and an influx of multi-coloured costumes, the magical vibrancy of the film cannot be understated, especially in contrast with its later blackened skies and muddied browns, not to mention the almost physical heat from the fire-breathing, life-like dragon at the film’s climax.
This film spoils us rotten with a multitude of incredible special effects and action sequences so vivid and fast-paced it almost made me wish I’d seen the movie in the (usually) underwhelming, expensive gimmick of 3D. Yes, we’ve seen warrior trees and yes, we’ve seen these magical trees talk and fairly realistically (I realise the limitations of this field) with movie characters but I’ve never before witnessed quite such detail and imagination the creatures Disney (or should I say Maleficent) has brought to life! From iridescent SGI flying, floaty beings (almost like fish in air) to an almost serpent-come-dragon creature made from the roots of the Earth conjured to do battle. However, on a slightly lower note, not all the fairy-tale creatures had quite the same, realistic quality to them – the little trolls and other woodland folk with big googly eyes and toad-stall hats were ‘not bad’ for a film made 5 years ago but in today’s roaring animation film sector, I expected Disney’s detail to be better and more well-rounded than this. However, the tree warriors and SGI used for Maleficent’s magic, particularly her wings may have made these other characters look even worse as these elements were particularly rich and detailed – just a shame this didn’t quite pull through through-out.
However, on a happier note, Disney have created plenty of stunning landscapes for our eyes to feast on – beautifully deep valleys, glistening waterfalls and realistic green and glowing enchanted woodlands. This brings a beautiful contrast to their unyielding, decrepit castle walls and barren wastelands as well as the intricate spinning wheel sculptures and ornately entwining cursed forests of 6ft long thorns that spiral madly out of control, much like Maleficent’s powers!
This great film also has a good, well-thought-out plot. Of course this is by no means “The Lord of the Rings” but then it was never going to be. However, it does deliver more than you think as you realise that, in the words of the Aurora-voice-over, “the hero may also be the villain” or was it “the villain may also be the hero”? One thing I found particularly entrancing was Jolie’s dazzling performance as the power she exuded from the complicated lead was wonderfully confident and transfixing. “Maleficent” also has a fundamental broken quality to her (as you see when you watch the film) that Jolie maintains throughout which I found beautiful – she obviously didn’t see this as some throw-away part to earn some money and look pretty but instead portrayed a fragile yet extraordinarily powerful character which allowed us to empathise with her – feel her pain, anger and revenge (as we were often shocked at the film’s events – particularly as it twists and turns on many levels to break-through the original plot-line) but we could also feel her happiness, hope and pleasure – a truly wonderful performance. I’d go as far to say she carried the film as without her, despite it being visually stunning and a decent plot, it would have lacked the drive and passion that Jolie brings to the movie.
Overall: 3.5 Stars
A lovely surprise as Disney shows a more ‘grown-up’ side to its beloved fairy-tale story yet not one for DVD as it doesn’t please on every level and only somewhat goes above expectations from its trailer. On the other hand, it was by no means dull and with Jolie's performance was thoroughly enjoyable.

Maleficient movie poster

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Sunday 1 June 2014

World-Class Katy Perry!

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Katy Perry Prismatic Tour 2014 Logo

Review of Katy Perry's Prismatic World Tour 2014 at the O2

WOW! I went to see Katy Perry in her Prismatic World Tour at the O2 Arena (London) on Wednesday night and was absolutely gob-smacked by her performance! She was just outstandingly incredible and the show she put on for us was crazy! Totally unbelievable: from neon light displays; Egyptian Gods; fire-shooting-mid-air-guitar-soloists; pyrotechnics galore to multiple mid-air stunts...not to mention the 3 times Perry herself was lifted 25ft above the crowd as she whizzed around the O2!
Katy Perry Prismatic Tour 2014 Egyptian
Before she even took to the stage I was blown away by her support act, Icona Pop, the Swedish girl duo who are famous for their no.1 smash hit “I Love It”. I loved this song when it first came out so much that I subsequently bought their whole album. A truly fun and excited act as they stormed the stage at the O2 with a complicated light show and general incredible performance – it was great to see how they were genuinely enjoying themselves from “Then We Kiss” to “We Got The World” to one of my particular favourites “Girlfriend”. Leaving “I Love It” for last which was a true show stopper as the whole arena chanted together, the base booming loudly with everyone jumping and screaming at the top of their lungs.
Katy Perry Prismatic Tour 2014 Icona Pop
Then Perry herself arrived but this is Katy Perry, so everything must be done in style. Surfacing from a gigantic hydraulic prism, she leaps into her empowering opening number, “Roar” using the fantastic triangular shaped TV screens behind her to embellish the song with jewelled lions continually roaring in combination with lasers and other light displays – such as Perry herself! A marvellous costume of strategically placed LED strips that outlined her outfit so that when the lights blacked out she continued dancing in a multi-coloured outline. Accompanied by LED-illuminated Spartan soldiers, all sporting flashing mohicans to truly embellish the creativity and flare of the show made for a fantastic beginning, followed by brilliant performances of “Part Of Me”, “Wide Awake” and “This Moment”/”Love Me”.
Katy Perry Prismatic Tour 2014 Neon Opening
As the lights went down, the screens transported us from a launch pad into outer space until we found ourselves back in time to ancient Egypt. Perry then emerged from the stage on a faux golden horse singing her latest hit “Dark Horse”. Decked in fantastic glittering Egyptian costumes, the whole procession carried out precisely themed choreography including acrobatics from several dancers on a cleverly crafted diamond-shaped metal structure that spun madly above the stage, culminating with Perry herself being lifted into the air...whilst singing!
Katy Perry Prismatic Tour 2014 Egyptian

Once we’d jetted back to what feels like ‘normality’, Perry reappeared, having adopted a full feline pink cat suit, heels to match. She then performed a jazzier, slower rendition of “Hot N Cold” which suited the theme perfectly in the fun atmosphere of an enlarged cat play-den, swinging tails and all. This ‘Cat-oure’ section even had a feline-inspired cat-walk, which led to Perry and her dancers strutting down the treadmills of her triangular stage to Madonna’s "Vogue" wearing cat-inspired get-up – from sparkly over sized tuna cans to Perry’s own cleverly designed sparkling fish bone dress. This show was fantastically playful, well thought-out and superbly extravagant – making us feel extremely spoiled with at least 10 costume and set changes.
Katy Perry Prismatic Tour 2014 Cat-oure
 As this entertaining and light-hearted part of the show came to a close, a ginormous umbrella shaped canopy of sunflowers unfolded from the ceiling to cover the stage. This was where Perry really ‘spoke to us’ and gently sung adaptations of her slower songs, for example “By The Grace Of God” which I honestly find to be one of her most beautiful songs as you can appreciate the heartfelt nature of the piece as Perry references her divorce from Russell Brand in its courageously personal lyrics. She then acoustically sung “Unconditionally” which culminated in a subtly striking performance – demonstrating her true skills and talent as an artist.
Katy Perry Prismatic Tour 2014 Accoustic
Perry brought the party back with “Walking On Air” as she was yet again suspended in mid-air with a large billowing sheet of clouds behind her. Considering she’d used such basic techniques – literally a piece of cloth and a fan when on the ground (admittedly when suspended, there are limits to how simple you can be) – she achieved fantastically stunning results whilst the light show continued behind her which ensured a truly exhilarating, party, feel-good vibe.
Katy Perry Prismatic Tour 2014 Walking On Air
Continuing in this feeling of euphoria by belting out “TGIF”/“This Is How We Do”, one of her latest Prism tracks, Perry really showed off the fun of her pop-star life as huge inflatable lit-up balloons bobbed around the standing audience with Perry and her ‘pals’ bouncing around the stage in a blow-up pink convertible. This perfectly slided into “California Gurls” as bright palm trees and a multicoloured Hollywood sign filled the stage.
Katy Perry Prismatic Tour 2014 Bringing Back the Party
Then onto “Teenage Dream” and “Birthday”, where she had the whole arena in the palm of her hand as party balloons, confetti and a rising, spinning birthday cake platform rose from the stage. A true showman – everyone was up, everyone was dancing and everyone was belting out the songs with her. The atmosphere was incredible.
Katy Perry Prismatic Tour 2014 Birthday
Then, just when you think you’ve seen it all, she ended the show with “Firework” – perhaps the most empowering and ‘feel-good’ of all her songs, finishing off with a fantastic firework dress and real fireworks exploding on stage.
Katy Perry Prismatic Tour 2014 Firework
Overall an unbelievable night! Perry is an absolutely wonderful performer – a true delight to watch...and sing along with! I can’t wait until her next tour to see what more surprises she can pack into her awe-inspiring routines!
Katy Perry Prismatic Tour 2014 Firework

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